Rabu, 30 November 2016

Ideal Body Weight is not benchmark Body Healthy -

Ideal Body Weight is not benchmark Body Healthy -
Every day, the number of people who experienced a weight gain of growing. Even this number beats the number of people who successfully lose weight badan.Organisasi World Health Organization (WHO) explains that obesity has become a global epidemic and more than 1 billion adults worldwide are overweight and 300 million people around the world have obesitas.Ini obviously not a small number. Given the obesity and overweight is a risk factor increasing deadly diseases like heart disease and stroke. Ironically, not all obese people understand ini.Patokan BMI figures could not be used as the size that you are in the 'number' healthy. If you are still buried waist fat, you are still at risk of disease tersebut.Hasil research has shown that by increasing muscle mass, especially in the abdominal area and its surroundings, can reduce the risk of death. The higher the less muscle mass to fat tersimpan.Fakta space is enough to awaken a lot of people that we can not rely on the ideal weight for mempridiksi soundness, but also must consider the percentage of fat stored in the body fat in kita.Tumpukan stomach or commonly known as central obesity is fat concentrated in the abdomen which is a risk factor for metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance InsulinResistensi insulin.Resistensi happens when you menajdi cells less sensitive to insulin. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas which is responsible for getting sugar from the blood. High levels of insulin and glucose in the blood is highly correlated with the level of fat you store about your stomach means that the sugar in your blood can increase belly fat. This is why central obesity is considered as one of the highest risk factors for diabetes in conjunction with insulin and glucose function. From this fact also you will be able to determine the appropriate strategy to reduce fat deposits in your stomach and get a belly shape your IndeksJika indah.Glikemik more carefully, you would immediately think to pay attention to the GI (Glycemic Index) from the food you eat. Reducing fat means you have to lower the GI value in the body by eating low-GI foods. This in turn will control blood sugar and certain hormones that inhibit the loss lemak.Mengurangi high-GI foods is a step which is quite reasonable to reduce the overall fat deposits. This is why low-carb diet is strongly recommended if you want to gain muscle mass lemak.Pola free meal high in fiber, protein and healthy fats, and eating more often can help the body control blood sugar. Even the study says, by consuming 1 gram of acetic acid (vinegar), can lower blood sugar levels in the food consumed by 31.6 percent.

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